Helping people build more aligned and authentic lives.
Picture this…
You just hit a milestone that you’ve been working towards for months. Maybe it’s a promotion you’ve had your eye on, a degree or certification you’ve just earned, or maybe you finished that triathlon you committed to. Whatever it is, you’ve put in SO much time and effort and have envisioned countless times how good it’s going to feel to finally achieve the ‘thing’. And, upon achieving it, you’re thrilled! For about an hour…..and then you feel no differently than you did beforehand. Sound familiar?
We live in a society where we are taught from a young age to set goals, work hard towards them, accomplish them, and then set bigger ones. Don’t get me wrong, achieving your goals is something to be proud of….
…until you realize that your goals aren’t exactly aligned with the life you want for yourself. In other words, you’re missing the why behind your what.
More often than not, we find ourselves checking the boxes, climbing the ladders, going through the motions, all in the pursuit of what we think success looks like. We define success around ‘shoulds,’ and rarely take the time to bring intentionality to what we truly want. That’s where working with a coach can be tremendously helpful.